
Life Cycle of a Table Object

A table object is always in one of two states: closed or open. It becomes open when quince verifies that its target exists and conforms to it, and it is closed whenever quince considers this to be unverified.

When you construct a table mytable, you specify its site. Its target might or might not exist already, and if it exists it might or might not conform to mytable. The constructor doesn't communicate with the DBMS, so none of these things are confirmed. Therefore mytable is in the closed state.

A call to tries to get mytable into the open state, by communicating with the DBMS and:

So, if returns rather than throws, mytable is open.

Tables have methods that let you specify a primary key, indexes (with or without uniqueness constraints), and foreign key constraints. None of these methods takes immediate action. They specify actions in advance, which a subsequent call to open() will carry out, if it decides to create the target [12] . So the time to call these methods is before the first call to As a defence against programmer error, they check that mytable is closed, and throw a table_open_exception otherwise.

Once mytable is open, you can treat it as a query, and you can manipulate its data. All the querying and manipulation operations require a conforming target, so they all check that mytable is open, and throw a table_closed_exception if it isn't.

Occasionally you may want to rename an SQL table, or change its shape, i.e. add or remove columns, or rename columns, or change their types. This is called an alteration. If the target conformed to mytable before an alteration, then it will not conform afterwards; and conversely, if it conforms afterwards then it must not have conformed before. But quince's policy on state is simple: the table stays closed throughout. Closed state is a precondition and a postcondition of every alteration. (If you try to alter an open table it will throw table_open_exception, and the table will stay open and unaltered.)

So you can alter a table before you ever open it, but that is not always sufficient. Some situations call for a complex schema evolution process, involving several stages of alteration, query/manipulation, alteration, query/manipulation, ... . You need to open() the table before each query/manipulation step, but then the next alteration step needs it to be closed. So tables have a close() method, for that specific purpose.

And that's the only purpose of close(). Don't think of closing a table as an obligation, like closing an open file descriptor, to release some valuable resource. There is no such resource; all close() does is flip a flag.

open() and close() are the only actions that change a table's open/closed state.

As a further defence against programmer error, open() and close() check that you aren't calling them redundantly. open() on an open table throws a table_open_exception; close() on a closed table throws a table_closed_exception.

Finally, every table has the methods drop() and drop_if_exists(), which remove the target outright. The table object must be closed before these operations, and it remains closed. drop() wraps SQL's DROP TABLE, and drop_if_exists() wraps DROP TABLE IF EXISTS. So if the target doesn't exist, drop() will throw a dbms_exception, and drop_if_exists() will do nothing.

[12] You can't alter the primary key, indexes, or foreign key constraints on an SQL table that already exists. That is a limitation of quince 1.0.
